How Do Pumps Begin?

What is the history and story of the pump? Who came up with the idea of ​​building a pump for the first time and for what purpose? Which was the first country to develop cosmetic pumps? If you are also interested in answering such questions, we suggest you stay with us until the end of this article to benefit from the facts and knowledge of the pump world.

The beginning of pumps dates back to the inception of directing a flow by assembling parts, which led to the emergence of an industry. The first manufactured pump can be traced back to ancient times, the Stone and Wood Ages, and it has evolved from its most primitive form to the most advanced form we know today, which lacks a spring. All pumps have a clear and comprehensive goal: comfort and innovative design for the use of cosmetic and hygiene products, among others.
Many centuries ago, in early civilizations, ancient Egyptians invented bamboo tubes that could deliver water to the mouth without direct contact with hands. Later, these tubes were used as pipes for water passage in dry regions, which facilitated agricultural activities and survival. However, these tubes required a tool to convey water within the biological area. Ideas converged, and actions followed. The first pump was created using wood and special stones, which directed water along the designated path.
First Steps of Making Spring
Over time, piece by piece, additions were made to this grand technology to reduce its size and increase its power.
Instead of heavy objects that had the task of lifting water, springs were used as a substitute—a simple piece capable of compression. The initial springs were very different from what we recognize today. In fact, the first springs were made by weaving thread-like fibers or binding very flexible and strong materials to two wooden ends, or even bones in bowstrings. Their function was to store and then release force in a general movement.

As time went on, humanity utilized this power of compression more and more, and it became an essential component, ultimately leading to the final tool, the pump, which propelled this industry one step forward.

Last Moves of Making Pump
Now, the pump had arrived in the world, and it was time to utilize it. Over time, people learned how to optimize the use of this innovation, leading to an increase in the application of these pumps and the formation of various types that we will become acquainted with later on. The first pumps made using springs were discovered in East Asia, where their springs were made of wood, animal skins, and plant fibers.
After years of using springs and tubes in the same direction, a phenomenon emerged that we now refer to as suction pumps. This marked the beginning of a revolution in various industrial fields. Numerous pumps were created based on human needs, dividing this initiative into smaller branches. In general, pumps are divided into several main categories, and each of these categories is further divided into smaller sections.

The History of Pump Usage in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products:

Pumps have a vast world and come in various types. We interact with several of them almost daily, consciously or unconsciously, as they are present beside us. From shampoos to creams and fragrances, they are widely used. But who first came up with the idea of using pumps in cosmetics, personal care products, and the like?

The Presence of Packaging in Hygienic Products

In the early 1950s, with the aftermath of World War I and the weakened state of public hygiene, communities were facing a decline. People had limited purchasing power, and there was no idea of how to distribute hygiene products among the population. As a result, there was an increase in various diseases and pollution worldwide. Diseases became as detrimental to society as war, and there seemed to be no solution to escape this plight. Over time, the people of England and Western Europe, who had suffered more casualties due to diseases compared to other countries, introduced the idea of packaging hygiene products among aristocratic families. However, only the aristocracy was obligated to use such hygiene products, while ordinary people still struggled with diseases. It was not until George Frederick Ernest Albert, who was the reigning monarch of England at that time, established and ensured the allocation of medicine and hygiene supplies to the commoners and ordinary people in major cities, which led to a significant reduction in diseases among the population. However, the problem was not entirely resolved. The individuals responsible for distributing these materials monopolized the access to necessities in rural and underprivileged areas, including small towns. Another issue emerged, which was the shortage of raw materials for producing hygiene resources.

Prince George V once again contemplated and introduced another idea, which was to establish the first hygiene dispensaries in cities, and officials were responsible for delivering hygiene and medicine provisions to all people. However, the authorities didn’t have a clear measure for distributing the products, and there was a competition to acquire more and more of them until the first packaging of hygiene items for public use was produced. These packages were thin bags that made it easier to carry the products. However, using them was problematic, and they didn’t have good product preservation capabilities.
Gradually, the design of packaging started to resemble its modern form. As the end of World War I approached, ideas gained strength, and the first pump used on hygiene products was introduced. This marked the birth of the thick spray pump for hygiene products. With the end of World War I and the economic cooperation between countries, other heads of states, who witnessed the control of diseases by Prince George V, expressed their interest in adopting his idea, and these pumps were also sent to other parts of the world. In Asia, people, by observing the form of these pumps and with great effort, were able to develop the atomizer pump as we know it today for the use of perfumes. It was the birth of the diluent spray pump that came into the world.
And Finally Modern Pumps
Today, the form of thick spray pumps and diluent spray pumps has evolved and taken on a more innovative shape. Additionally, ease of use has been enhanced. Modern pumps have a more innovative design and a wide range of color options, which contribute to the beauty of the products. The latest generation of designed pumps in the market are spring-less pumps, and beh pump company is the first provider of this type of pumps in the Iranian and foreign countries market.